Monday, July 31, 2006

Being Center of the Universe...

...well, at least my Universe.

I was congratulated today for being the center of the universe again. (Long story about why, so you'll just have to understand that it was a very appropriate statement.) I giggled.

I do have a way of demanding attention - always have. All of my family and friends who are reading this and have known me most of my life will completely agree. I was the child that made all the noise - talked incessantly. Whether I demanded attention in a positive or a negative way I didn't care as long as you were paying attention to me that was all that mattered. Psychologically speaking I'll blame my Mom & Dad - I was the first born and the first grandchild on my Mom's side of the family. I got all the attention - once my brother came into the picture - I had to demand it. He was soooo cute and quiet - unbelievably quiet. He didn't speak until he was three. He didn't have to - I did it for him. hee hee

I would hope that I've grown out of it - at least a little. I certainly am aware that there are things that are much bigger than me in this world. But, I will admit that I do still like to be the center of my universe.

Thanks Michael for reminding me that I was back in control - at least for the moment. Kisses.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Recent Music Addiction

I have such an eclectic taste in music!

On my ipod currently I have: Josh Ritter, Drive by Truckers, Train, Allison Krause, Jodi Martin, Hem, Alicia Keys, Ben Taylor, Amanda Marshall, Missy Higgins, Pat Benatar and Stevie Nicks. Now, thanks to my brother, I also have 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Godsmack, Creed and Fuel to name a few.

Yesterday in my mailbox my bi-monthly issue of Paste Magazine was waiting for me. I love this magazine! In every issue is a cd with usually 20+ songs. It's great! It introduces me to new music and I really enjoy the articles. Check it out!

By the way, this is not going to be a magazine that offers a lot of music that my brother likes.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hoops & Yoyo

Yes, for those of you who don't know this sounds like a strange title for my blog entry and you're probably wondering what it is all about. Well....

Work has been a little stressful this week (I'm beginning a major data conversion project that is expected to last until the end of September) and I joked with my boss that I was either going to gain 20 lbs eating my way through the stress or become an alcoholic and enjoy multiple martinis. My boss told me that the drinking might be more fun. :)

Anyway, to keep me on task and to allow me to giggle every once in a while I've decide to chew gum (this will also help me not eat) and visit the Hoops & Yoyo website. They make me giggle. They are a pink cat and a green bunny that Hallmark has created. They talk, sing, have e-cards, a newsletter and other fun things on thier site. Visit them and say hi for me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Symphony in the Park

Yes, yes I went last night after much debate. As I left work and was walking in the heat I decided that I was already sweaty and gross so why not go sweat some more. I joined my friend Jen, her boyfriend Michael and their friends on the Great Lawn for good wine, conversation, friendship and the New York Philharmonic.

It was hot! Then it sprinkled and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. The music started and it was a wonderful evening ending with fireworks - which always make me feel like I'm 6 years old.

As thousands of people left the lawn it started to rain. Oops let me correct that it started to pour. The thunder was loud, the lightening bright, the wind strong and the rain came down so hard. Happily I had an umbrella but I still was soaked by the time I walked home. The rain was amazing but even more amazing was thousands of adults walking in the rain as if they were kids again. Joy!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Old news...but...

A co-worker paid me back today for lunch that I bought last week. She paid all in ones - made me feel rich. (giggle)

On of the bills was a Where's George stamp. I haven't seen one of these in years. I remember all the hype back in 1999/2000 that this made. Articles were published about it in all the top magazines and it was on the news. Basically, people stamped currency with a stamp in the hopes that people would then register the bill online thus the bill could be tracked as it exchanged hands all over the world.

I remember doing it when all the news first came out so I thought wow this bills probably been all over - I'm curious so I'll register it.

My bill had no activity since it was first registered in 2003. Totally disappointing! It made me wonder if anyone does this anymore and sure enough Gary Wattsburg is the top user he's registered 512,583 bills. It made me wonder - who has that much time?

Friday, July 14, 2006

She's a Star!

Adrianna is a star!

Check our the article in BusinessWeek Online and while you're at it check out her blog.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Back in the city...

I'm back... I'm like a little kid when I fly back to NYC after being away. I landed at La Guardia at 11:20pm Sunday night and as we made our decent I was like a little kid. I always take a window seat (when possible) and I was like a child looking out the window trying to get a look at this city that I call home. To my amazement not only did I get a fabulous view of the Manhattan but a beautiful view of a lightening storm just north of the city. What an amazing site!

I had a wonderful vacation and no matter how many times I make the trip - there is a part of me that still misses Wisconsin and small town life - I grew up in Richland Center. Call me a little narcissistic but it is really nice to have family and friends lavish you with attention and beg you to move back home.

Most of all, no matter how many times I've had to say good-bye and will say good-bye in the future it is always difficult to kiss and hug my brother and my niece good-bye. I miss you little brother - always! By the way, we're wearing name tags because this picture is from October 2005 when we volunteered at Hale House - not so you can tell us apart. :)

It is nice to be back in NYC! My cats missed me and welcomed me home with meows and purrs.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blog lazy...

Yes, I've been blog lazy lately - again. Sorry!

I'm away from NYC, visiting my family in rural Wisconsin. It is very relaxing! I wish had a digital camera so I take photos and share them with everyone - maybe next time.

It is always a little bit of an adjustment getting off the plane and riding in a car that isn't a yellow taxicab, seeing green trees and grass everywhere, walking in a town of 5,000 people where everyone knows everyone and the tallest building is four stories tall.